Weddings, Peace and Creativity

Did you know that the word Bride derives from the Medieval practice of knights calling their sweethearts after St Brigid? And another surprising fact, St Brigid is the patron saint of Creativity I’ve written before about the fascinating pagan and Christian origins of the word bride, but it does strike me as interesting that creativity and being a bride should be so linked – I think for many brides a wedding can be a wonderful chance to really explore your creativity and find yourself, particularly if you work in the professions and have never had the chance. My top tip? Only invite the people who love you and won’t judge you, and then you can take all the creative risks you want with your wedding!Here is a blessing of St Brigid. I found this prayer very soothing, I hope you will too.It would make a good blessing for a bride setting out on the journey of her wedding, and for any creative artist, don’t you think? 

Blessing of St Brigid:

May the power of Brigid inspire youthe grace of Brigid attend youthe flame of Brigid enliven youthe story of Brigid engage you, May the God who provided her with all these giftsprovide them also to usthat we may go into the worldwith her lavish generosityand creative fire.